To be the artistic home for the Wayward Artist--the lost, the naked, the vulnerable.
To produce Wayward theatre of the highest quality--works that are new, works with an edge, works reimagined.
To transform a wayward world!
Started in 2017 by Craig Tyrl and Kristin Campbell, The Wayward Artist is an ensemble of artists from the Orange County area committed to creating wayward art. The first Wayward season began in February 2018 with Godspell. Since our inaugural performance, we have continued to employ local theatre artists, host local organizations, and interact with the downtown Santa Ana community. In 2018, we joined the OC-Theatre Guild, an organization with our managing director, Kristin Campbell, as the vice president of the organization.
Who We Are
We are a passionate collective of artists with a dream to create a home for our fellow wayward souls. Many of us are educators by day and storytellers by night. We believe firmly in the power of paying it forward to those artists at the beginning of their careers. At the same time, we seek to create professional quality productions for the community of Santa Ana and the residents of Orange County.
We are not afraid to push the envelope of politeness, political correctness, and propriety. We do not shy away from adult content, language, and mature subject matter. We are about innovation and re-invention. Wherever possible, we delight in showing our audiences a mirror to challenge pride, prejudice, and point-of-view.